What comes to your mind when you hear about the word "Advertisement"?
60% of response would be TV commercials....but let us look at it more closely...
Advertisements appear in newspaper, Radio, Pamphlets, Bill boards in the city or inside shops, Small & big banners in public places, inside/outside public transportation, (some trains are painted with advertisements nowadays), websites with scrolling/blinking ads, SMS in your mobile :)
Don't you think this is too much of information for our brain to process!!!! Yes it is...
The fact that ad agencies are applying lot of psychological techniques to cheat, persuade, induce guilt, give feel good factor for consumers.
Let us see some common psychological techniques applied in advertising.....
Archetypes - Ad agencies try to use archetypes, that is people tend to believe things if they are shown in scientific format, something like a lab setup with somebody wearing coat... The below ad shows some guy working in Vento plant who has taken so much care in building this product and asking the customer to take good care of the product he made... even though this doesnt make sense in the real world, it makes VW consumers to believe thier products are created and carefully crafted with passion...
Another segment of Ad's portray subtle competitive battle, the below ad for fiama di wills portrays a subtle battle with its competitor Dove which boasts about moisturaization and this product persuade all woman population to be fair, glowing skin by using thier product. This advertising strategy has been a pretty common theme between health drinks ads like Horlicks and Complan etc..
Some advertisement do not really make any sense with the product but still catch the attention of the customer, everybody liked this Idea 3G ad about population control but never really bothered to investigate about the correlation between use of 3G tablet and population control...But still these products continue to make such attention capturing advertisements and enter the subconscious awareness of the consumer.
60% of response would be TV commercials....but let us look at it more closely...
Advertisements appear in newspaper, Radio, Pamphlets, Bill boards in the city or inside shops, Small & big banners in public places, inside/outside public transportation, (some trains are painted with advertisements nowadays), websites with scrolling/blinking ads, SMS in your mobile :)
Don't you think this is too much of information for our brain to process!!!! Yes it is...
The fact that ad agencies are applying lot of psychological techniques to cheat, persuade, induce guilt, give feel good factor for consumers.
Let us see some common psychological techniques applied in advertising.....
Archetypes - Ad agencies try to use archetypes, that is people tend to believe things if they are shown in scientific format, something like a lab setup with somebody wearing coat... The below ad shows some guy working in Vento plant who has taken so much care in building this product and asking the customer to take good care of the product he made... even though this doesnt make sense in the real world, it makes VW consumers to believe thier products are created and carefully crafted with passion...
Another segment of Ad's portray subtle competitive battle, the below ad for fiama di wills portrays a subtle battle with its competitor Dove which boasts about moisturaization and this product persuade all woman population to be fair, glowing skin by using thier product. This advertising strategy has been a pretty common theme between health drinks ads like Horlicks and Complan etc..
Some advertisement do not really make any sense with the product but still catch the attention of the customer, everybody liked this Idea 3G ad about population control but never really bothered to investigate about the correlation between use of 3G tablet and population control...But still these products continue to make such attention capturing advertisements and enter the subconscious awareness of the consumer.
Some advertisements like the below Peposodant ad focuses on day to day family interactions and subtly make them appealing to the consumer crowd. There is a similar advertisement about cadbury's dairy milk eaten as a desert in a family dinner table with a small girl becoming conscious about her portion :-)
Sex Appeal - This is another stream of ad plot. And many masculine products try to portray the sex appeal as major theme and try to persuade the guys, but all men know in reality that buying a Rs100 deodorant is not going to bring any bikini babes to them. Still both ad agencies and men out there fantasise such advertisement and sometimes it gets really annoying broadcasting in such primetime when family watches TV with children. Nobody bothers to sue these guys :-) Thanks to some steps taken, the fast track ad has been censored recently and there is a link glowing asking audience to watch the uncensored version of advertisement in thier website.