
Whenever we hear the word Psychology, we often think about Psychopaths and crime/ horror movies.... and when I told my friends that I have taken a course on Psychology, they were little puzzled as to "Why Psychology?" and some even laughed and giggled with thier own percpetions about this subject. However after reading the subject and following quite a few forums and websites, I realized that Psychology is not as what we think and infact everybody should understand the basics discussed in this subject infact it is about human thinking, human life.

This subject helps us to gain understanding to biological, behaviourial, cognitive, humanisitic perspectives of human being and hence this blog is aimed at reassuring everyone that yes psychology is a science but it revolves around our day to day common life.

Sanjay who is my fellow colleague and class mate in M.Sc psychology will also be a co-author of this blog and together we will be posting articles on weekly basis to provide you some great insights about "Psychology"

So if you are curious to know more about this subject...Keep visiting here regularly and we assure you that this blog will keep you informed and interested.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Electra & Odipeus Complex

The title for this post might sound very much 'Greek and Latin' however you will understand the discussion better as we move further.

When it comes to small children, there is very common phenomenon that Girl babies are more prone to be father's pet and boys are always mommy's favourite. This is very common observation in every household. From psychological point of view, Sigmund Freud has developed a Psychosexual Theory and classified Child development into different stages. I am not going to explain all of them here, but to the point, he emphasises about how children get easily attracted to the opposite sex parent. Children's first social environment starts from home and parents are the first point of interactions. They learn about the basic qualities including sexual differences from thier immediate circle. That is why boys try to imitate thier father like characteristics and girls tries to learn things which her mom does in the house.

Freud argued that the young boy desires his mother as his love interest and also sees his father as rival which was highlighed as odipeus complex derived from greek mythology where odipeus killed his own father to marry her mother and similarly Electra complex acts a female equivalent where the girl wanted to marry her own father. Even though this theory was highly criticised, it does seem to echo in terms male and female children behaviourial perspective.

Children learning about sex within family circle is nature and by the time they attain the puberty the sexual fixation is ressurected but instead of being family oriented it focuses on attraction towards members outside family circle.

Our community imposes lot of importance on parents to teach the kids with proper language, arithmetic and even arts and other skills, but we all do neglect the importance of understanding the children's need to understand sexual development.
So for parents and parents to be, this post is aimed at enabling all of you to have an open mind and accept the little children curiosity to learn about genital differences, sex and gudie them with right information and prepare your kids with sex education at the very early stage than leaving them to learn from strangers or other sources.